The Benenzon International Organisation (BIO) is a non- profitable organization. It ensures the professional registration of every Benenzon Therapist in order to guarantee the safety and the quality of the profession.
BIO does not represent any political party nor does it operate according to any political agenda.
BIO aims to act as the international umbrella organization that supports, promotes and develops the Benenzon Therapy and the profession of the Benenzon Therapist through education, study, vocation, practical application, research and reflection.
BIO shall promote and safeguard the definition of the Benenzon Therapy as a non-verbal therapy that according to Professor Dr. Rolando Omar Benenzon utilizes physical-sound-non-verbal expressions so as to develop, process and reinforce a bond or a relationship between the therapist and the patient (or group of patients) with the purpose the welfare of the patient. The said goal is achieved with the reinforcement of “Ego” through a cathartic process and development through our sound identity (ISO), that is represented by sound, acoustic and moving energies that characterize every person.
The Benenzon Therapy is intended for any person, not necessarily a patient. BIO aims to actively contribute to the promotion of psychological health of a person through the Benenzon therapy and to promote scientific research in matters of mental disease and behavioural analysis.
Another important aim of BIO is to promote the development, progress and expansion of the Benenzon Therapy as science and to maintain it as a separate autonomous discipline.
In relation to the profession of the Benenzon Therapist, BIO shall promote and advance equivalencies in the standards and policies of the ethical conduct of Benenzon therapists and clinical practice in Benenzon therapy. One aspect of this is the promotion of continuous education and personal development in the Benenzon Therapy of BIO members.
Furthermore, BIO intends to submit propositions for the establishment of legislation that provides for the formal registration of Benenzon Therapists and regulates the profession in general.
Also, in the light of this, BIO shall support the legal educational and professional fortification of the Benenzon Therapist in a global level. Accordingly, BIO shall recognize the Benenzon Centers and the Benenzon Therapists who will practice and promote the Benenzon Therapy. Moreover, BIO recognizes the Benenzon Therapy studies offered by the Benenzon International Academy and the relevant Degree. The Academy shall in turn, as recognition of BIO, cooperate only with Benenzon Therapists who are members of BIO.
As an international body, BIO aims to promote international collaborations among its members in all the regions and to promote the integration of research and ethics into the practice of Benenzon therapy throughout the world.
For furthering its aims, BIO shall, inter alia, organize seminars, lectures and other events that support the purposes of BIO, including the Benenzon International Congress.
BIO shall also propel the Code of Conduct and Ethics of Benenzon Therapy and shall operate as the formal disciplinary body ensuring the Code’s proper application.
BIO shall represent formally the field of Benenzon Therapy in public, private, European and International Institutions and Organizations and shall also develop relations with other relative Organizations, groups and international bodies. BIO shall use all means of media and publications for the purposes of promoting the Benenzon Therapy at a regional level as well as worldwide.
Magister Benenzon: may be any person who has successfully received the title of Magister by the Benenzon International Academy. If a person has been awarded the title Magister prior to the establishment of the Academy, may apply for membership provided they have complied with all BIO requirements.
Benenzon Therapist: may be any person who has acquired the title of Benenzon Therapist by the Benenzon International Academy.
Trainee Member: may be any person who is a student of the Benenzon International Academy.
Honorary Member: the BIO Council, may declare any person who has contributed significantly to the advancement and evolution of the Benenzon Therapy and/or BIO as recognition of his/her exceptional service in the field of the Benenzon Therapy.
Simple Member: may be any person above 18 years old, of sound mind and with no criminal record.
Any person who wishes to register as a Member of BIO may do so by filing an application as well as any documentation the Council asks for.
The Registration fee is €100 (one hundred euro). It is payable upon registration and its non-refundable.
The Subscription fee is €50 (fifty euro) and it’s payable upon registration and its annual renewal.
Method of Payment:
Bank Deposit
A/c Number: 357023948228
IBAN: CY94 0020 0195 0000 357023948228
Always quote your Name when making the payment.
Rights and Duties of Members
All members have the right to participate in the activities organized by BIO.
Only Magister Benenzon members have a right to vote and be elected, unless they have not paid their subscription fee.
Members are expected to be consistent with regards payment of their subscription fee. In the event that a member fails to pay their subscription, that person loses all his/her member rights and is automatically deleted from member
In the context of continuous education and evolution, members, except Simple and Honorary members, ought to submit certificates that show their continuing education in the Benenzon Therapy field, including supervision. This certificate must be presented every year with the renewal of the member’s subscription.
All members ought to believe in the purposes of BIO and to cooperate for their achievement and also to adhere to the Benenzon Therapy Code of Conduct and to the decisions of BIO. Members are expected not to engage in any act or behaviour that is contrary to or undermines BIO’s interests and/or activities and/or the Benenzon Therapy Code of Conduct.
BIO encourages its members to participate actively in the meetings and events it organizes, including the BIO International Council.
Members are also cautioned to adhere to the Benenzon Therapy Code of Conduct and to the decisions of BIO.
Members are requested to promptly notify BIO as to any change in their professional circumstances as well as their contact information.
The BIO International Congress
Magister Benenzon Members have the right to propose a place/country in where BIO International Congress can be held.
Such proposal must be submitted a year before the date BIO International Congress shall be held and accompanied by all relevant information including location and the resources available.
The Organizers of the BIO International Congress shall be responsible for funding the Congress and its running. Furthermore, the Organizers shall pay BIO at least 20% (twenty per cent) of their income deriving from the participants in the Congress.
The persons who hold office or any position in BIO do not receive nor are they entitled to a salary or any financial gain or consideration.
The resources of BIO come from; inter alia, the registration and subscription fees of its members, donations and contributions.
BIO welcomes its financial support of the purposes of promoting and supporting its operations. Any person who makes a donation to BIO of at least €5.000 (five thousand euro) or the equivalent monetary value, shall be recognized by BIO as Donor. Any person who donates to BIO an amount that exceeds €50.000 (fifty thousand euro) or the equivalent monetary value shall be recognized as a Benefactor.