Benenzon therapists must:
Act according to the present Code of Conduct and Ethics as well as to abide by the laws of moral ethics.
Provide the Benenzon Therapy according to the education and the training of the Benenzon Therapy.
Respect the rights and dignity of their patients contributing to their well being.
Maintain the confidentiality for each patient.
Contribute to the development of the Benenzon Therapy and the organization of the profession in order to reinforce the prestige of the profession in the society.
Get trained continuously so as to increase the levels of knowledge, research and quality of the profession.
Distinguish their personal from their professional opinion regarding issues that concern the Benenzon International Organization.
Refer to the common definition as specified by the Benenzon International Organization.
Benenzon therapists must not:
Discriminate against patients or exploit their patients for personal profit.
Profit from marketing their patients’ clinical materials.
Undermine their colleagues.
Practicing the Benenzon Therapy:
The Benenzon Therapy is part of the methodology and technique of non-verbal psychotherapies. According to the psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon the Benenzon Therapy is a type of psychotherapy which uses body-sound-non-verbal elements in order to develop, process, analyze and reinforce a bond or a relationship between the therapist and the patient (or a group of patients) with the purpose of achieving the patient’s wellbeing. The above mentioned is accomplished by the enforcement of the “Ego” via a cathartic course and development which acts through our Sound Identity (ISO), as represented by sound, acoustic and movement energies that characterize each human.
The Benenzon Therapy is not: entertainment music, music improvisation, revaluation, definition, aims, sequential language or unique level.
The aspects of the Benenzon Therapy which are based on the Code of Conduct and Ethics are:
«The model is a route on which we have walked and will walk, walking»
«The model is the expression of all that has been expressed and shall be expressed, expressing»
«The model is a becoming of all that has been done and shall be done, doing»
«When we are in pain, we are hurt by all that has hurt us and will hurt us, hurting»
«The model meditates on immense poles jointly»
«It’s a model shaped on all that has been shaped and will be shaped, shaping»
«The model was created believing and believes creating»
«The model silences all that has been silenced and will be silenced, silencing»
«The model echoes on all that has been echoed and will be echoed, echoing»
In the therapy:
The Benenzon therapist must follow the 15 technical steps to conduct the therapeutic session:
Arrival of the Benenzon therapist 20 minutes before the appointed time of the therapeutic session.
Revision of the protocol of the previous or past therapeutic sessions.
Arrange space (setting).
Use toilet.
Completion of Protocols I and II.
Test instrumentation, warm body and observation.
Deep breaths, at least three times.
Reception of the patient.
Make the therapeutic session.
Send off the patient.
Observation and wandering into the meeting place (setting).
Completion of Protocols III and IV.
Repair, cleaning and tidying the institutions.
Fill in the protocols.
Research in Benenzon Therapy:
Those who carry out a research in Benenzon Therapy or their guardians are required to provide a written consent stating that they are aware of the objectives and purposes of the investigation and the contact details of the researcher for further clarification.
The Committee of the Code of Conduct and Ethics must approve the research process, including the participants.
Researchers must include ethical guidelines in order to conduct the research.
What is the attitude of the Benenzon International Organization on the Code of Conduct and Ethics?
The Benenzon International Organization encourages all its members to develop, to maintain and to periodically improve the Code of Conduct and Ethics. The Code of Conduct and Ethics applies and is the same for every single Benenzon association regardless of country, geographical region and culture.
The Benenzon International Organization aims the alternative psychotherapy by means of the underlying principles of the members-therapists.
The primary purpose of the Code of Conduct and Ethics is to protect patients from the consequences of violating the Code and to ensure that their welfare is a priority beyond reputation.
The next ethical principles need to be followed by the registered members Benenzon International Organization. These principles include six main pillars: confidentiality, privacy protocols, continuous education, personal therapy, supervision and implementation of no-out and co-out. Additionally, they may include publishing, public presentation of clinical material, financial matters and responsibilities for colleagues.
The therapist must act in coordination with the agreed quality standards applicable to that role.
The therapist must comply with all relevant requirements regardless of nationality.
The therapist cannot agree to any strike against the patients.
The therapists must make every effort to maintain and expand their knowledge and skills through appropriate training and supervision.
The welfare of the patient is the primary concern and responsibility of each Benenzon therapist. In Benenzon Therapy the following principles must be considered:
The therapist respects the rights and dignity of the patient at all times and acts appropriately.
The therapist does not discriminate in race, color, ancestry, age, sexual orientation or clinical problems among his patients.
The therapist does not exploit his patient for sexual, financial or emotional reasons, or for personal interest.
The therapist provides services to the patient only in the context of a business relationship that will provide security to the patient.
During the evaluation of the patient, the therapist is required to maintain the evaluation protocol of the Benenzon Therapy and chooses the patient according to whether he / she feels able to give him the best.
Any available resource is used for the best interest of the patient.
The therapist exercises the profession according to the Benenzon Therapy and fields that has been trained in, with the skills and qualifications
The therapist terminates treatment following an agreement with the patient when the patient does no longer benefit from the services.
The therapist protects the relationship of trust with the patient at all times, including written, oral, audio and audiovisual material. This material can
be only used with the previous consent of the patient and / or his / her guardians.
The therapist is obliged to do personal therapies with a Benenzon therapist in order to maintain his personal mental health and to have regularly supervisions with a Benenzon supervisor.
The therapist is required to be continuously trained to maintain and improve his knowledge and to have a better quality of life.
Treatment is given only after a referral or self-referral. The therapist does not make misleading statements about the effect of the treatment.
The therapist is responsible for the physical safety of the patient during the therapeutic session, but also must have knowledge of first aid in case of accident.
The Benenzon therapists do not have the right for audio and video-recording the patient’s therapies without his written consent.
In case of publication of clinical material beyond the team which is working with the patient, a written consent form of the patient and full information for the purposes of this publication is required in order to be approved.
Points of the Benenzon Therapy
The protection of the freedom of the other is the protection of our own freedom.
The non-verbal allows the expression of those persons who we have not thought of, more than those whom we have conceived and are aware of.
The training of the therapist’ adjustment is determined by the intention to carry out the self-fulfilling prophecy.
We attentively listen through those persons whom we have attentively listened to and still shall attentively listen to, attentively listening to them.
Solving what has been tied up and shall be tied up, tying up.
The intentional lack of intention.
I act where there is no existence. (Lacan)
The supervisor / professor has the required knowledge of the profession and is up to date in it.
The supervisor / professor evaluates the knowledge, skills and weaknesses of the trainees, giving appropriate guidelines.
The supervisor / professor provides the adequate feedback and the necessary supervision for the training.
The supervisor / professor must not delegate responsibilities to unauthorized persons without adequate supervision.
The supervisor / professor observes confidentiality with regard to the progress or failure of the learner beyond the academic institution.
The supervisor / professor does not discriminate in race, color, ancestry, age, sexual orientation among his trainees.
Benenzon therapists may cooperate and exchange experiences, knowledge and skills for their personal and professional development.
The therapist acts with integrity in relation to their colleagues in Benenzon therapy and with other sectors.
The therapist must know which other treatments are being received by the patient. According to the situation, the therapist must collectively cooperate with other therapists for the best desired results to the benefit of the patient.
The therapist is not entitled to provide services to a person who already undergoes any other kind of psychotherapy.
The therapist is not entitled to undermine the professional identity of another colleague.
The therapist confirms that employment policies are respected for the benefit of the patient.
The therapist must inform his employer of any circumstances that interfere with the quality of the Benenzon Therapy.
The therapists are paid according to their professional standards.
The therapists are not allowed to accept gifts or favors from their patients.
The therapist is required to maintain the confidentiality of information of each therapeutic session. Exceptions:
General information on the course of the patient is only allowed to achieve adequate coordination among other professionals that contribute therapeutically to each patient.
With the previous consent of the patient, the clinical confidential information can be used for educational purposes, where each student is required to observe the Code of Conducts and Ethnics.
In the case of charges the therapist may not divulge part of the clinical confidentiality (child protection).
The following provides guidance on ethical practices and necessary conditions to be followed when a researcher publishes a survey.
What is the research in the field of Benenzon Therapy?
Research has special importance for the evolution and development of the Benenzon Therapy. As mentioned by Professor Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, "this model is a path on what we walked and we march, marching". Research in Benenzon Therapy derived through a series of philosophical perspectives, psychiatric and psychosomatic issues, a wide range of uses of the methodology and collusion with humans and human relationships. It raises multiple questions according to the theory, practice with different groups of people and to professional issues. Depending on the topic, the research may be collective and other classes can be carried out by multidisciplinary teams. Data can be collected from various sources such as:
Objective measurements: such as physiological reactions.
Subjective measurements: such as the measurement of quality of life or statements and the person’s experiences.
Interpretations from therapists or other observers.
Therapeutic tools (e.g. instruments, objects, songs)
Other related objects (e.g. text, images)
If the survey question is been systematically examined by the methodology of Benenzon Therapy or relevant academic literature, it can be described as research. The types of research published by the Benenzon therapy and related journals include:
Participants receive an intervention or monitoring depending on the survey design.
Participants may undergo pre-post arranged tests in order to determine any possible changes for the research.
The qualitative analysis of data taken from experience (e.g. verbal description of the experience or interviews with everyday patients).
Participants, attendants or nurses (including therapists and trainees) of Benenzon Therapy and relevant reflections (e.g. surveys, interviews, diaries) including their own work.
Retrospective audit (e.g. examining the reports already collected for Benenzon Therapy).
Prospective audit (e.g. the characteristics of patients who receive the Benenzon Therapy).
The case series (e.g., interventions and outcomes for three children with Arsperger syndrome).
Report incident (intervention and outcome).
Participants are required to read and sign the information and consent form before participating in the study. The consent forms must be sent to the Committee of Conducts and Ethics which approves a situation in which the participants provide their 'implied consent' after updating the study. When the participant is unable to give informed consent because of his vulnerability (e.g. children or people with advanced dementia stage), then the guardians will complete the written consent.
Consent forms should include an introduction to the research purpose, what does the participation in research entails, the potential benefits and risks which may arise, a statement that the participation is voluntary, the fact that their right to suspend their participation and withdrawal from research will not affect their future care, the personal information that will be needed for research and confidentiality.
The purpose of the Committee of Conduct and Ethics is to ensure that research in Benenzon Therapy is based on ethics, minimizes the damage, maintains the welfare and rights of the participants and examines the clinical records with or without their permission. The Committee of Conduct and Ethics gives instructions on how to submit research applications. It can give guidelines on "high and low risk" research. In order the research to be carried out, the researcher must collect all relevant participants’ documents as well as the approval of the Committee of Conduct and Ethics.
* Any research which is conducted for the development of the Benenzon Therapy must be published following the rules of ethics. The publication can be done in any mental health magazine.
The therapist protects the psychological well-being of the participants in the Benenzon Therapy research.
In order the research to be conducted, the appropriate authorization from the Committee of Conduct and Ethics is required.
The participation in the survey is voluntary if the participants are informed about the potential risks and benefits inherent in research. Based on their consent, the participants are free to withdraw from the study at any time.
The confidentiality of the participants should be maintained in the research results report.
In publications or professional presentations of the research, the therapist must clarify the person who approved the study and assign credit to those who have worked for the results according to their contribution.
The therapist presents research findings accurately and avoiding distortion and deception.
For the publication of any research on the Benenzon Therapy field the Benenzon International Organization requires:
The research to be based on the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
The completion of the consent form.
During the evaluation of incidents with patients or their guardians, the therapist must follow the following:
Presentation and analysis of the Benenzon Therapy.
Information on the course of evaluation and treatment as well as its cost.
Explanation of confidential treatment and bidirectional confidentiality.
After the evaluation, the therapist must be certain about the answer given to the patient.
If the Code of Conduct and Ethics is violated by the therapist, similar procedures will be followed by the Benenzon International Organization, which has the right to impose disciplinary measures. These procedures include:
Immediate addressing to the supervisor of the person who violated the Code in order to correct the problem.
If the violation of the Code of Conduct and Ethics is not corrected, the supervisor will contact the Committee of the Code of Conduct and Ethics by sending a report which will include detailed documentation of the violation as well as the efforts made to correct it.
The Committee of the Code of Conduct and Ethics will request a detailed report from the people involved.
The Committee of the Code of Conduct and Ethics will determine whether there was a breach of the Code of Conduct and Ethics and the appropriate measures that will be taken.